Latitude and Longitude
in 36 seconds!
Coordinate Formats
- D ~ Decimal Degrees
- (34.7508104, -92.3066904) or (+34.7508104, -92.3066904) or (N34.7508104, W92.3066904)
- DM ~ Degrees Minutes
- (34°45.0486' -92°18.4014') or (+34°45.0486' -92°18.4014') or (N34°45.0486' W92°18.4014')
- DMS ~ Degrees Minutes Seconds
- (34°45'2.92" -92°18'24.09") or (+34°45'2.92" -92°18'24.09") or (N34°45'2.92" W92°18'24.09")
Hemisphere Indicators
Northern: | N | + | (above the equator) |
Southern: | S | - | (below the equator) |
Eastern: | E | + | (east of prime meridian) |
Western: | W | - | (west of prime meridian) |
Note: When plus and minus signs are used to indicate hemisphere, the plus sign may be omitted.